Front-end Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers
- How to compare 2 objects in JavaScript
- What is Angular Life Cycle methods
- What is design patterns in javascript
- What is promise and why we use it for ?
- how to improve performance of website and how to optimize the website ?
- if you have multiple images like 200 images in landing website. how do you speed up website loading?
- what is srcset in image tag? how you load different resolution images?
add authentication middleware for those routes which having "user" keyword in route like
/user /user/xyz /image/user/test/xyz
- difference betwwen redux vs new Context API in React JS 16.7
- What is HOC ?
- what is renderprops in react? how to use it?
- how to do serverside rending in react?
- how to improve SEO of website
- write a function in javascript to clone any object
- write a function to get all the sub array of main given array which sum is 25
- what is AMP in html for mobile apps?
- how to lazy load pages in react
- make div center without translate and transform in IE
- why use icon fonts
- define spacificity of class, element and id ?
- what is line height ?
- select 3rd element of nth- pesedo class?
- what are the react hooks?