ARTICLEViews: 69Share  Posted by - Anonymous

way to run multiple version of NodeJS using NVM

steps to setup nvm in nodejs

nvm useful commands:

1) check installed nodejs version

nvm ls

2) enable nvm:

nvm on

3) disable nvm

nvm off

4) change nodejs version in nvm

nvm use versionNumber

5) install specific version of nodejs

npm install version

> nvm install 12.14.1

Sometimes you need to work on some old project that isn't 100% compatible with the latest version of Node.js and NPM. Now you ...

How to install multiple node js or older version of node js (nvm)

Node Version Manager Windows 10. Easy way to switch Node version. Install nvm.

Install NodeJS (Multiple Versions) on Windows | Node Version Manager

How to Manage multiple version of Node using NVM - 4K

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