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Interview question - What is AuthGuard in angular framework?

AuthGuard in Angular is a mechanism used to prevent unauthorized access to certain parts of an application. It is a security feature that allows developers to control access to routes in an Angular application.

AuthGuard is implemented as a service that checks whether a user is authorized to access a specific route by verifying the user's authentication status or role. If the user is authenticated and has the necessary permissions, the guard allows access to the requested route. If not, the guard prevents access and redirects the user to a login page or displays an error message.

To use AuthGuard in Angular, developers create a guard class that implements the CanActivate interface, which requires a single canActivate method. This method returns a boolean or an observable that resolves to a boolean, indicating whether the user is authorized to access the route.

AuthGuard can be used with various authentication methods, including JWT, OAuth, and session-based authentication. It can also be used in combination with other security features, such as role-based access control and rate limiting, to provide a more comprehensive security solution for an Angular application.

Overall, AuthGuard is an essential security feature in Angular that helps ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive parts of an application, providing a more secure and robust user experience.

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