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This AWS Tutorial video will be a great starter for beginners and will also take them deep enough to aspire an AWS Certified Solutions Architect role. Following pointers will be covered in this session: Introduction 00:00:00 Agenda 00:00:54 Cloud Computing Fundamentals 00:02:00 How Cloud Computing Helps 00:08:53 What Is Cloud Computing 00:14:32 Cloud Service Models(SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) 00:23:22 Cloud Deployment Models 00:34:21 Cloud Computing Myths: 00:43:03 Cloud Services Providers 00:51:34 What Is AWS? 00:56:52 AWS career 01:01:14 Role Based Certifications 01:08:44 AWS certifications 01:23:31 AWS Global infrastructure 01:37:38 AWS Core Service Domains 01:50:04 AWS Free Tier and AWS Console 01:59:30 AWS Compute Services 02:02:45 AWS Elastic Load Balancer 02:07:45 Types Of Elastic Load Balancers 02:14:40 AWS Autoscaling 02:16:44 Amazon EC2 02:20:29 Amazon EC2: Instances 02:24:00 Amazon EC2 Instance Types 02:27:33 Amazon EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk Demo 2:36:47 AWS Storage Services 03:00:23 AWS Cloud Storage Myths 03:08:45 Amazon Elastic Blockstore 03:20:24 Amazon S3 03:30:32 Amazon Glacier 3:50:40 AWS Security Services 3:53:51 AWS Database Services 04:05:28 AWS Networking Services 04:17:40 AWS DevOps Services 04:38:44

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We can help you to create a Digital Marketing plan to take your business to new heights.

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i am looking for live training for English language. message me if anyone interested to provide.

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basic vector algebra for data scientists

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learn about following topics what is scrum what is backlogs what is product backlogs who is scrum master who is product owner and responsibilities spring plannings story point epic, feature, user stories, task retrospective approach scrum broad kanban board ( task definition ) scrum planning scrum backlogs scrum artifects scrum execution

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Please find the course content below

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Course Content  Introduction Analysis of Algorithm  Background analysis through a Program and its functions. Order of Growth  A mathematical explanation of the growth analysis through limits and functions. A direct way of calculating the order of growth Asymptotic Notations Best, Average and Worst case explanation through a program. Big O Notation Graphical and mathematical explanation. Calculation Applications at Linear Search Omega Notation Graphical and mathematical explanation. Calculation. Theta Notation Graphical and mathematical explanation. Calculation. Analysis of common loops Single, multiple and nested loops Analysis of Recursion Various calculations through Recursion Tree method Space Complexity  Basic Programs Auxiliary Space Space Analysis of Recursion Space Analysis of Fibonacci number  Mathematics Finding the number of digits in a number. Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. Quadratic Equations. Mean and Median. Prime Numbers. LCM and HCF Factorials Permutations and Combinations Modular Arithmetic Problems(With Video Solutions): Count Digits Palindrome Numbers Factorial of Numbers GCD of Two Numbers LCM of Two Numbers Check for Prime Prime Factors Sieve of Eratosthenes Computing Power  Bit Magic Bitwise Operators Operation of AND, OR, XOR operators Operation of Left Shift, Right Shift and Bitwise Not Method 1: Simple method Method 2: Brian and Kerningham Algorithm Method 3: Using Lookup Table To check whether a number is a power of 2 or not Odd occurrences in an array. Two numbers having odd occurrences in an array. Generate power set using bitwise operators.  Recursion Introduction to Recursion Applications of Recursion Writing base cases in Recursion Factorial N-th Fibonacci number Various problems on Recursion(With Video Solutions) Print n to 1 Print 1 to n Tail Recursion Checking Palindrome Sum of digits Rod cutting Subsets of a set Tower of Hanoi Problem Josephus Problem  Arrays Types of Arrays Fixed-sized array Dynamic-sized array Operations on Arrays Searching Insertions Deletion Arrays vs other DS Reversing - Explanation with complexity Problems(With Video Solutions) Left Rotation of the array by 1 Check if Sorted Left Rotation of the array by D places Leaders in an Array Maximum Difference Problem Frequencies in Sorted Array Stock Buy and Sell Problem Trapping Rainwater Problem Maximum Consecutive 1s Maximum Subarray Sum Longest Even-Odd Subarray Maximum Circular sum subarray. Majority Element Minimum Consecutive Flips Sliding Window Technique Prefix Sum Technique  Searching Binary Search Iterative and Recursive Binary Search and various associated problems Index of First Occurence in Sorted Array Index of Last Occurence in Sorted Array Count of occurrences of x in sorted element Count of 1s in a binary sorted array Find an element in sorted and rotated array Peak element Find an element in an infinite sized sorted array The square root of an integer Find pair in an unsorted array which gives sum X Find pair in a sorted array which gives sum X Find triplet in an array which gives sum X Median of two sorted arrays  Majority Element   Sorting Overview of Sorting Algorithms Insertion Sort Merge Sort Problems(With Video Solutions) Intersection of 2 sorted arrays Union of 2 sorted arrays Count Inversions in arrays Partitions(With Video Solutions) Naive Lomuto Hoare Quick Sort Using Lomuto and Hoare Time and Space analysis Choice of Pivot and Worst case Tail call elimination Problems(With Video Solutions) Kth Smallest element Chocolate Distribution Problem Sorting arrays with 2 and3 types of elements Merge Overlapping Intervals Meeting the Maximum Guests Cycle Sort Counting Sort Radix Sort Bucket Sort  Matrix Introduction to Matrix Multidimensional Matrix Pass Matrix as Argument Printing matrix in a snake pattern Transposing a matrix Rotating a Matrix Check if the element is present in a row and column-wise sorted matrix. Boundary Traversal Spiral Traversal Matrix Multiplication Search in row-wise and column-wise Sorted Matrix  Hashing Introduction and Time complexity analysis Application of Hashing Discussion on Direct Address Table Working and examples on various Hash Functions Introduction and Various techniques on Collision Handling Chaining and its implementation Open Addressing and its Implementation Chaining V/S Open Addressing Double Hashing  Strings Given a string, check if they are an anagram of each other. Given a string, find the leftmost character that repeats. Given a string, find the leftmost character that does not repeat. Given a string, find the lexicographic rank of it in O(n) time. Implementation of the previously discussed lexicographic rank problem. Given a text string and a pattern string, find if a permutation of the pattern exists in the text. Given two strings, check if they are rotations of each other or not. Various Pattern Searching Algorithms. Rabin Karp Algorithm KMP Algorithm  Linked List Introduction Doubly Linked List Circular Linked List Loop Problems Detecting Loops Detecting loops using Floyd cycle detection Detecting and Removing Loops in Linked List Middle of Linked List Nth node from the end of linked list Deleting a Node without accessing Head pointer of Linked List An iterative method to Reverse a linked list  Recursive method to reverse a linked list Reverse in group of size k Segregating even-odd nodes of linked list The intersection of two linked list Pairwise swap nodes of linked list Clone a linked list using a random pointer LRU Cache Design Merge two Sorted Linked Lists Palindrome Linked List  Stack Understanding the Stack data structure  Applications of Stack Implementation of Stack in Array and Linked List Balanced Parenthesis  Two stacks in an array  K Stacks in an array  Stock span problem with variations Previous Greater Element  Next Greater Element  Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram Understanding getMin() in Stack with O(1)  Queue Implementation of the queue using array and LinkedList Stack using queue Problems Reversing a Queue Generate numbers with given digits First Circular Tour  Deque  Tree Introduction Tree Application Binary Tree Tree Traversal Implementation of: Inorder Traversal  Preorder Traversal  Postorder Traversal  Level Order Traversal (Line by Line) Tree Traversal in Spiral Form  Problems Size of Binary Tree  Maximum in Binary Tree  Height of Binary Tree  Print Nodes at K distance  Print Left View of Binary Tree  Children Sum Property  Check for Balanced Binary Tree  Maximum Width of Binary Tree  Convert Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List  Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder  Tree Traversal Spiral Form The diameter of a Binary Tree  LCA problem with an efficient solution Burn A Binary Tree from a Leaf Count Nodes in a complete Binary Tree Serialize and Deserialize a Binary tree  Binary Search Tree  Heap Introduction & Implementation Binary Heap  Insertion Heapify and Extract Decrease Key, Delete and Build Heap Heap Sort  Problems Sort K-Sorted Array  Buy Maximum Items with Given Sum  K Largest Elements  Merge K Sorted Arrays  Median of a Stream  Graph Introduction to Graph  Graph Representation  Adjacency Matrix Adjacency List Adjacency Matrix VS List Breadth-First Search  Applications Depth First Search  Applications Problems Shortest Path in an Unweighted Graph  Detecting Cycle In the Undirected Graph  In the Directed Graph Topological Sorting  Kahn's BFS Based Algorithm DFS Based Algorithm Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph  Prim's Algorithm/Minimum Spanning Tree Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm Bellman-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm Kosaraju's Algorithm Articulation Point Bridges in Graph Tarjan’s Algorithm  Greedy  Backtracking  Dynamic Programming Introduction  Dynamic Programming Memoization  Tabulation Problems(With Video Solutions): Longest Common Subsequence Coin Change Count Combinations  Edit Distance Problem Naive Approach DP Approach Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem Naive Approach Efficient Approach Maximum Cuts  Minimum coins to make a value  Minimum Jumps to reach at the end  0-1 knapsack problem  Naive Approach Efficient Approach Optimal Strategy for a Game  Variation of Longest Common Subsequence  Variation of Longest Increasing Subsequence  Egg Dropping Problem  Count BST with nkeys Maximum Sum with No Consecutive Subset Sum Problem Matrix Chain Multiplication Palindrome Parititioning  Trie Introduction Representation Search Insert Delete Count Distinct Rows in a Binary Matrix  Segment Tree Introduction Construction Range Query  Update Query  Disjoint Set Introduction Find and Union Operations Union by Rank Path Compression Kruskal's Algorithm

TRAININGViews: 68Share

MEAN STACK COURSE CONTENT IN DETAILS Introducing the MEAN Stack Angular Node Express Mongo Introducing Angular 1/2/4/5/6/7/8 User Experience similar to a Desktop Application Productivity and Tooling Performance Community Full-featured Framework Platform for Targeting Native Mobile, not just Web Browsers Understanding Angular Versions AngularJS (Angular 1.x) Angular 2 and Angular 5 Upgrading to Angular 5/6/7/8 from Angular 2 or Angular 4 Angular Update Guide Angular 5/6 Features Build Optimizer Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM Support Compiler Improvements Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes Replace the ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector Zone Speed Improvements ExportAs Multiple Names HttpClient Angular CLI v1.5 Angular Forms adds updateOn Blur / Submit RxJS 5.5 New Router Lifecycle Events TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Fundamentals Classes ES Modules Arrow Functions Template Literals Scoping using let and const Keywords Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters Destructuring Decorators (JavaScript Aspect-Oriented Programming) Angular 5/6/7 Basics Components Inline Templates Multi-line Templates using ES6 Template Literals External with Component-relative Paths Angular Modules vs. ES Modules Models Template Syntax HTML in templates Interpolation Binding syntax Property binding Event binding Two-way data binding Attribute, class, and style bindings Built-in Directives Template Input Variables The NgSwitch Directives Template Reference Variables Input and output properties Template Expression Operators Pipe ( | ) Safe Navigation Operator ( ?. ) Components Component Lifecycle Hooks Component Communication Services & Dependency Injection Using a service to access data Using a service to encapsulate business logic Understanding the scope of services Dependency Injection Understanding Dependency Injection Angular’s Dependency Injection System Registering Injecting Hierarchical Injection Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms) Importing the ReactiveFormsModule FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl Binding DOM Elements to FormGroups and FormControls Validation Rules, Messages, and Styles Refactoring ReactiveForms for Reuse Custom Validators RxJS and Observables What is an Observable? Observable Operators Creating Observables Using Static Operators What is an Observer? Observer Example Subject Subject Example EventEmitter or Observable Communicating with the Server using the HttpClient Service Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS) Making an HTTP GET Request Sending data to the server using Http POST and PUT Requests Issuing an Http DELETE Request Intercepting Requests and Responses WebSockets Router Importing the RouterModule and Routes Configuring Routes Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet Navigating declaratively with RouterLink Navigating with code using the Router Accessing parameters using ActivatedRoute Organizing your code into Modules Unit Testing Tools: Jasmine, Karma Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers Setup and your First Test Testing Terminology: Mock, Stub, Spy, Fakse Angular Testing Terminology: TestBed, ComponentFixture, debugElement, async, fakeAsync, tick, inject Simple Component Test Detecting Component Changes Testing a Component with properties (inputs) and events (outputs) Testing a Component that uses the Router Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Spy Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Fake Testing a Service and Mocking its Http requests Testing a Pipe Security How to Prevent Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer HTTP Attacks Security Audits of Angular Applications Introducing Node The Node.js framework Installing Node.js Using Node.js to execute scripts Node Projects The Node Package Manager Creating a project The package.json configuration file Global vs. local package installation Automating tasks with Gulp. HTTP The HTTP protocol Building an HTTP server Rendering a response Processing query strings Using Representational State Transfer Configuring TLS File System Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O Path and directory operations __dirname and __filename Asynchronous file reads and writes Buffers, Streams, and Events Using buffers for binary data Flowing vs. non-flowing streams Streaming I/O from files and other sources Processing streams asynchronously Configuring event handlers Modules and Unit Testing Modularization The CommonJS and RequireJS specifications Defining modules with exports Modules are singletons Creating a package Module scope and construction Unit testing frameworks What to test and how to test it Building unit tests with Mocha Express The model-view-controller pattern Defining Jade and Handlebars templates Building a front-end controller Defining routes Creating actions Configuring Express to use Handlebars Using REST Reading POST data Building Handlebars helpers Adding middleware Data Sources How Node.js connects to databases RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases Performing CRUD operations Building client requests to web services Getting Started with Mongo Architecture Retrieving Documents Modifying data in Mongo Indexing and Aggregation Conclusion

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Dive deep into advanced JavaScript and learn modern web development best practices Tech Stack: node, react, redux, serverless, typescript, test driven development, mongo, git, graphql, continuous integration, and more Interested people can drop you email id below to get training invite and details.

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Join Live Business Training from bada by vivek bindra. join from below link

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hi, if anyone interested to join the weekend training session on HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT Bootstrap, Share your email id on comment, I will send the invite for weekend trainings!

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Full Stack Web Development Technology Stack Frontend Frameworks AngularJS, Angular2/4/5/6/7 ReactJS, Redux VueJS Backend Frameworks Java, J2EE Python, PHP NodeJS, ExpressJS, LoopbackJS Databases Mysql Postgres Mongodb Cache Memcached Redis

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if you interested, mail us to enroll for training session at

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Machine Learning Zero to Hero (Google I/O'19)

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artificial neuron network video course

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Summer School on AI Assisted Data Analytics (11th July - 14th July, 2019). One may join Machine Learning Summer School at IIITD campus in Delhi. 

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