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  • Introducing the MEAN Stack
  • Angular
  • Node
  • Express
  • Mongo
  • Introducing Angular 1/2/4/5/6/7/8
  • User Experience similar to a Desktop Application
  • Productivity and Tooling
  • Performance
  • Community
  • Full-featured Framework
  • Platform for Targeting Native Mobile, not just Web Browsers
  • Understanding Angular Versions
  • AngularJS (Angular 1.x)
  • Angular 2 and Angular 5
  • Upgrading to Angular 5/6/7/8 from Angular 2 or Angular 4
  • Angular Update Guide
  • Angular 5/6 Features
  • Build Optimizer
  • Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM Support
  • Compiler Improvements
  • Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes
  • Replace the ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector
  • Zone Speed Improvements
  • ExportAs Multiple Names
  • HttpClient
  • Angular CLI v1.5
  • Angular Forms adds updateOn Blur / Submit
  • RxJS 5.5
  • New Router Lifecycle Events
  • TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Fundamentals
  • Classes
  • ES Modules
  • Arrow Functions
  • Template Literals
  • Scoping using let and const Keywords
  • Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters
  • Destructuring
  • Decorators (JavaScript Aspect-Oriented Programming)
  • Angular 5/6/7 Basics
  • Components
  • Inline Templates
  • Multi-line Templates using ES6 Template Literals
  • External with Component-relative Paths
  • Angular Modules vs. ES Modules
  • Models
  • Template Syntax
  • HTML in templates
  • Interpolation
  • Binding syntax
  • Property binding
  • Event binding
  • Two-way data binding
  • Attribute, class, and style bindings
  • Built-in Directives
  • Template Input Variables
  • The NgSwitch Directives
  • Template Reference Variables
  • Input and output properties
  • Template Expression Operators
  • Pipe ( | )
  • Safe Navigation Operator ( ?. )
  • Components
  • Component Lifecycle Hooks
  • Component Communication
  • Services & Dependency Injection
  • Using a service to access data
  • Using a service to encapsulate business logic
  • Understanding the scope of services
  • Dependency Injection
  • Understanding Dependency Injection
  • Angular’s Dependency Injection System
  • Registering
  • Injecting
  • Hierarchical Injection
  • Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms)
  • Importing the ReactiveFormsModule
  • FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl
  • Binding DOM Elements to FormGroups and FormControls
  • Validation Rules, Messages, and Styles
  • Refactoring ReactiveForms for Reuse
  • Custom Validators
  • RxJS and Observables
  • What is an Observable?
  • Observable Operators
  • Creating Observables Using Static Operators
  • What is an Observer?
  • Observer Example
  • Subject
  • Subject Example
  • EventEmitter or Observable
  • Communicating with the Server using the HttpClient Service
  • Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS)
  • Making an HTTP GET Request
  • Sending data to the server using Http POST and PUT Requests
  • Issuing an Http DELETE Request
  • Intercepting Requests and Responses
  • WebSockets
  • Router
  • Importing the RouterModule and Routes
  • Configuring Routes
  • Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet
  • Navigating declaratively with RouterLink
  • Navigating with code using the Router
  • Accessing parameters using ActivatedRoute
  • Organizing your code into Modules
  • Unit Testing
  • Tools: Jasmine, Karma
  • Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers
  • Setup and your First Test
  • Testing Terminology: Mock, Stub, Spy, Fakse
  • Angular Testing Terminology: TestBed, ComponentFixture, debugElement, async, fakeAsync, tick, inject
  • Simple Component Test
  • Detecting Component Changes
  • Testing a Component with properties (inputs) and events (outputs)
  • Testing a Component that uses the Router
  • Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Spy
  • Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Fake
  • Testing a Service and Mocking its Http requests
  • Testing a Pipe
  • Security
  • How to Prevent Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
  • Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer
  • HTTP Attacks
  • Security Audits of Angular Applications
  • Introducing Node
  • The Node.js framework
  • Installing Node.js
  • Using Node.js to execute scripts
  • Node Projects
  • The Node Package Manager
  • Creating a project
  • The package.json configuration file
  • Global vs. local package installation
  • Automating tasks with Gulp.
  • HTTP
  • The HTTP protocol
  • Building an HTTP server
  • Rendering a response
  • Processing query strings
  • Using Representational State Transfer
  • Configuring TLS
  • File System
  • Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
  • Path and directory operations
  • __dirname and __filename
  • Asynchronous file reads and writes
  • Buffers, Streams, and Events
  • Using buffers for binary data
  • Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
  • Streaming I/O from files and other sources
  • Processing streams asynchronously
  • Configuring event handlers
  • Modules and Unit Testing
  • Modularization
  • The CommonJS and RequireJS specifications
  • Defining modules with exports
  • Modules are singletons
  • Creating a package
  • Module scope and construction
  • Unit testing frameworks
  • What to test and how to test it
  • Building unit tests with Mocha
  • Express
  • The model-view-controller pattern
  • Defining Jade and Handlebars templates
  • Building a front-end controller
  • Defining routes
  • Creating actions
  • Configuring Express to use Handlebars
  • Using REST
  • Reading POST data
  • Building Handlebars helpers
  • Adding middleware
  • Data Sources
  • How Node.js connects to databases
  • RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
  • Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases
  • Performing CRUD operations
  • Building client requests to web services
  • Getting Started with Mongo
  • Architecture
  • Retrieving Documents
  • Modifying data in Mongo
  • Indexing and Aggregation
  • Conclusion

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