The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was set up by Govt. of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1994 for carrying out direct recruitment against Group-C posts in the State cadre (as against District cadre) as may be scheduled in the OSSC Rules, 1993. There are some 85 different cadres of posts/ services under various departments of Government to which recruitment is made through this Commission.
Advertisement for Recruitment to different Technical posts under Directorate of ESI Scheme, Odish
Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 40
UR (Out of which women) : 28 (w-16)
SEBC (Out of which women) : 03 (w-2)
SC (Out of which women) : 1 (w-1)
ST (Out of which women) : 8 (w-5)
Educational Qualification : +2 Science with Diploma in Pharmacy / Bachelor in Pharmacy from AICTE approved institutions and must have registered themselves under Pharmacy council of Odisha.
Scale of Pay / Level : Level-7 (Pay Matrix of 25500 - 81100
Age :
A candidate must have attained the age of (Twenty-one) 21 years and must not be above the age of (Thirty-eight) 38 years as on 1st January 2022. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC, ST & all Women candidates, 10 years for candidates belonging to PwD category & the total period of service rendered in defence service in case of Ex-servicemen. PwD candidates in the ST & SC category shall be entitled to cumulative age relaxation of ten years over & above the normal relaxation specified for the category. However, a candidate who comes under more than one category shall be eligible for only one benefit of age relaxation as per rule which will be more beneficial to her/him.To be eligible, candidates not enjoying any relaxation of upper age limit, must not have been born earlier than 2nd January 1984 and not later than 1st January 2001.
d. Note for Ex-Servicemen- Once an Ex-Serviceman has joined the Govt. Service in civil side after availing the benefit as an Ex-Serviceman for his re-employment, his ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment in Govt. Jobs shall cease to exist. He can avail age relaxation only. However as per clause-4 of the O.M. No. 36034/2014-Estt. (Res) dt. 14 August 2014 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India, if an Ex-Serviceman applies for various posts before joining any civil employment, she/he can avail of the benefit of reservation as Ex- serviceman for any subsequent employment, provided the applicant as soon as joins any civil employment, should give self declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various posts for which she/he had applied for before joining. The applicant should furnish the copy of above declaration duly endorsed by the employer on the date of Document Verification for consideration of the claim under Ex- Serviceman category.
(NOTE: Border Security Force, Indian Coast Guard, CRPF and other Para Military Forces are not within the definition of Ex-Servicemen.)
How to Apply :
• The applicants should go through this detail advertisement before filling up the online application form.
• The candidate may apply for the post as per her/his eligibility as per terms of the advertisement.
• All eligible candidates have to register themselves by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” button on the home page of the Commission’s website
• Those candidates who are applying for the first time have to register for the post by clicking on “NEW USER” button shown on the screen. On submitting the registration form a User Id and Password will be generated.
• On clicking “New user” or “Registered User”, instruction for filling up the Online Registration/ Re-registration and Application Forms shall appear on the computer screen. These instructions should be read carefully before proceeding with filling up the Application Form.
• Step-by-step procedure for registration/re-registration can be viewed by clicking on “Instruction to fill up Online Application Form”.
Application Invited
Online Registration
Start Date : 27th January 2023
End Date : 24 February 2023
Submission of Online Application Form
Start Date : 27th January 2023
End Date : 26 February 2023
Mode of Application
Online Mode only through the website “”. No Physical copy/Hard copy of the Online Application Form needs to be submitted by the applicant.
Advt. No. 456(c )/OSSC dt.31.12.202
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